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Customer Success Metrics - What to track in 2023

Customer Success Metrics - What to track in 2023

In today's competitive business landscape, it's crucial for companies to prioritize customer success. Not only does it lead to higher customer satisfaction and loyalty, but it also has a direct impact on the company's bottom line. However, in order to ensure customer success, businesses need to track and measure the right metrics to identify areas of improvement and make data-driven decisions. In this article, we will explore the customer success metrics that businesses should focus on in 2023.

1. Customer Churn Rate

Customer churn rate is a key metric that measures the percentage of customers who cancel their subscription or stop using a product or service within a given period. A high churn rate can signal issues with customer satisfaction or product usability. By tracking and analyzing churn rate, businesses can identify the reasons behind customer attrition and take proactive measures to retain customers.

2. Customer Retention Rate

Customer retention rate is the opposite of churn rate - it measures the percentage of customers who continue using a product or service over time. A high retention rate demonstrates customer loyalty and satisfaction. By monitoring customer retention rate, businesses can identify their most loyal customers and develop strategies to further engage and delight them.

3. Net Promoter Score (NPS)

NPS is a metric used to gauge customer loyalty and advocacy. It measures the likelihood of customers recommending a company, product, or service to others on a scale from 0 to 10. Customers who give a score of 9 or 10 are considered promoters, while those who give a score of 0 to 6 are detractors. By calculating the NPS and analyzing customer feedback, businesses can identify areas of improvement and take action to increase customer satisfaction and loyalty.

4. Customer Lifetime Value (CLV)

CLV measures the total revenue a business can expect to generate from a single customer over their entire lifespan as a paying customer. It takes into account the customer's average purchase value, frequency of purchases, and retention rate. By understanding CLV, businesses can determine the value of individual customers and make informed decisions on customer acquisition and retention strategies.

5. Expansion Revenue

Expansion revenue measures the additional revenue generated from existing customers through upselling, cross-selling, or upgrading their subscription plan. It indicates how effectively a business can expand its revenue base within its existing customer base. By tracking expansion revenue, businesses can identify customer needs, tailor their offerings, and maximize revenue opportunities.


Tracking the right customer success metrics is essential for businesses to thrive in 2023. By monitoring metrics such as churn rate, retention rate, NPS, CLV, and expansion revenue, companies can gain insights into customer behavior, address issues, and optimize their customer success strategies. Remember, success begins with understanding your customers and meeting their needs. Start tracking these metrics today and drive your business towards greater success!

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